D&D Next Still Uses d20The newest iteration of the most popular table top role playing game Dungeons and Dragons is here. This version of Dungeons and Dragons is called D&D Next and is an amalgam between the most popular versions of Dungeons and Dragons. With D&D Next they appear to be leaning heavily on mixing 3.0/3.5 with some of the ideas they introduced with 4.0.

Not only are they revamping the entire mechanics of their gaming system again they are pushing the universal lore of Forgotten Realms and the Drow further down the road and giving things and interesting twist.

However there is no need to take my work for it. You can sigh up now on the Wizard of the Coast website to become a play tester yourself. Make sure to have everyone in your Dungeons and Dragons group sign up and download the play test materials. This way you and your fellow gamers can play some D&D Next and have a shot to tell Wizards what you like or don’t like about their new system. This way you can help to mold the latest version on Dungeons and Dragons to a new game that you will want to play.

Sign up today to get your D&D Next playtest packet!


If you have questions about the D&D Next Playtest check out the official D&D Next Playtest FAQ.