4e-character-sheetIt is official: the famous and well-loved table top role playing game Dungeons and Dragons is heading into its 5th edition. DnD Next is the name they are using now, and they are promising a complete overhaul of the system…again.

Wizards of the Coast has hinted about some aspects of the new game, and also about bringing back some of the old Dungeons and Dragons mechanics, spells, monsters, and other content we have come to love. However, their focus, as the video below shows, is to go through all of the iterations of Dungeons and Dragons to date and pick and choose what they think worked and what they think didn’t.

If you are a fan of Dungeons and Dragons and are actively playing, I would suggest taking the time to watch the video below. It is not the most exciting, but they do go into a lot of the thought, concept, and intention behind creating and releasing Dungeons and Dragons Next.

Full PAX Video of D&D Goodies


Sign up for updates and a chance to beta test the new D&D Next


Are you an artist? Ever want to work for Wizards? Now is your chance! They are looking for artists for the new iteration of Dungeons and Dragons.
