ddmsrealm-ddo-the-kings-forest-choose-lootI’m still trying to crank away on all of the game changes and item updates. I just wanted to let you know that I have added 200+ items and updated many more. Tons of misc stuff updated and changed to match all of the changes in Dungeons and Dragons Online. There are still more to do but I am getting closer to catching up. U15 still needs a full pass but other then that DDM’s Realm should be pretty much up to date.

I wanted to toss out a special thanks to Dragon.Star for all of the great work on Dungeon and Dragons Online named magic item list. Great work and thanks a ton!

Dungeons and Dragons Online Named Magic Item Database

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Play smarter, not harder! :P